I met Tori and Josh on a beautiful fall day, and instantly knew it was going to be such a fun session! These two are the sweetest, and kindest people. Their love for each other just radiated and I could not stop smiling behind the camera!
Their love story:
About seven years ago, Josh and Tori met at church. They started off as acquaintances and sang together on the worship team. Since Tori was so shy around Josh, they began their interaction online through social media. As time went on, they got to know each other more through group settings with friends. Things took for a turn when one evening Josh brought her chocolate to her apartment which led to hours of conversation. They went on dates, usually to Chipotle, and realized how much they enjoyed each other’s company. The more time they spent together, the more fun they had. On June 23rd 2018, Josh took Tori to the Lantern Festival in Pennsylvania. As the sky lit up with thousands of lanterns, Josh finally asked Tori to be his girlfriend which she of course said yes!
After two years of dating, Josh woke up one morning ready to propose to Tori. On October 7th 2020, he picked her up spontaneously, in the midst of her studying, and said “let’s go hiking!” They walked through a trail in the woods and admired the views of the reservation. At sunset, Josh pulled Tori towards the view of the New York City sky line. As it got darker, the city lights shone in the distance. Josh set up his camera to face Tori so they could take a picture together. He asked her to check his camera bag, by her feet, for the camera’s instruction manual. As she looked in the bag, she came across a card, which read “Will You Marry Me?’ Tori was not expecting him to propose that day and was gathering her thoughts. Josh then told her, “turn around!” As Tori went to face him, Josh was kneeling on one knee. He held out the most beautiful ring. Of course she said, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”